Ayahuasca and Spiritism

Ayahuasca and Spiritism

Ayahuasca and Spiritism

For thousands of years, Ayahuasca has been taken as a sacrament, a form of communion with the Astral plane, a non-physical realm where spirits, energy, and consciousness exist. As far as we know, from what has been gathered from the Indigenous tribes who have brought Ayahuasca to be known outside of its origin, the depth of the Brazilian and Peruvian jungles, Ayahuasca was discovered by divination. When considering the incredible number of plants available in the tropical jungles, the likelihood of miraculously combining two completely different plants that depend on each other’s presence to form this entheogenic state is practically impossible. Also, we must remember that there were no labs or any means of chemically analyzing these sources…

The stories tell of mystical spirits, in mostly non-human form, who “gifted” Ayahuasca to humanity as the blood and essence of Mother Earth, coming to awaken her slumbering children. Through the ages of sacramental use, the spiritual practice of Ayahuasca has expanded and grown into more descriptive language that portrays otherworldly realities, realms of spirit, and other dimensions, all accompanied by art, music, song, and story.

Throughout human history, many religions, spiritual traditions, mystics, mystery schools, and initiatic orders have described similar states of consciousness and offered different paths to explore, experience, and navigate these unseen worlds. Many different cosmologies, or maps of the astral, have been brought to light by philosophers, mystics, and truth seekers across the ages. However, in most of these spiritual traditions and practices, attaining these states of consciousness required years, if not decades, of disciplined and focused practice. Seekers of truth would join monasteries or retreat from the world to focus on their spiritual aspirations. This path required utmost dedication and, thus, to this day, does not appeal to many.

The introduction of Ayahuasca to the field of developing human consciousness is a major shift in the trajectory of this scenario. By virtue of ingesting one cup of the sacrament, it is possible that for a few hours, any participant, no matter their background or system of belief (or non-belief), will go through an expanded journey of mystical experiences that would, at the very least, guide them to a completely reframed sense of possibility. It is not uncommon to hear descriptions of conversations with God, angels, relatives on the other side, spirit animals, and so much more. 

Ayahuasca is defined as an entheogenic brew of plants and not as a psychedelic or a hallucinogen. The main reason is that, in most cases, the experience is defined by a profound experience of divinity. Thus - “en-theo” – Into God. Rather than diving into any form of proof, philosophical or scientific debate, I will rephrase and misquote Saint Thomas of Aquinas in saying, “For those who have not drank of the sacrament, no explanation will suffice, and for those who have, no explanation is necessary.”  I am writing here in support of the courageous few who have.

And so, as described, any seeker of truth coming to take Ayahuasca as a sacrament, even without any former background, might find themselves witnessing miraculous visions and a new and uncharted spiritual realm filled with color, awe, and wonder. Spirits, celestial beings, and entities beyond measure or description, as well as a profound sense of wholeness, love, and healing, happen as a result of navigating these vast lands of consciousness. 

However, without proper guidance and the necessary spiritual practice, these visions, though magical and profound, might be confusing or scary and, even more so, unrelatable or challenging to integrate. It will take a while for most participants to understand that these landscapes of consciousness can be navigated and explained, but most importantly – learned from. Eventually, coming to realize that the wisdom within the journey is meant to be applied and integrated into day-to-day life.

It wasn’t until the early 1930s in Brazil that Mestre Raimundo Irineu Serra founded Santo Daime, an Afro-Brazilian church that has expanded over the years to offer the sacrament worldwide. As Ayahuasca became available and known to a wider range of audiences, it became quickly apparent that a deep form of guidance was necessary to support those who had been having deeper and deeper insight into the enigmatic nature of the Astral. Maps of navigating these spiritual experiences were becoming essential.

As the Santo Daime philosophy and doctrine began to form, it became necessary to find ways to explain and understand the phenomenology of interacting with spirits and the spirit realms. Over the years, as the religion and practice developed, many prayers, concepts, and teachings of Allan Kardec and the Spiritist movement were introduced and then embedded into the doctrine.

Brazil's diverse cultural landscape blends indigenous beliefs, African spiritual traditions, and Christian influences. Spiritism, with its open and inclusive nature, fits well within this syncretic environment, allowing individuals to draw from multiple spiritual sources. It was a natural progression to include and utilize the spiritual map defined by Allan Kardec to explain so many of the experiences those partaking in Ayahuasca have had and needed further guidance to explain what they get to see and explore.

Spiritism, or the Spiritist movement, founded in the mid-19th century by Allan Kardec, born Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, is a systematic spiritual and philosophical framework that demystifies and explains the spiritual dimensions of existence. 

In the mid-1850s, Kardec, a school teacher who had studied science and philosophy, was inspired to investigate the popular practice of table-tipping and other forms of mediumship that occurred all over Europe at the time. At first, his intention was to debunk these practices and prove their falsehood, but rather quickly, he began to realize there might be something more than meets the eye.

He began to scientifically and systematically study this phenomenon, which eventually led to a complete codified system, which he developed over years of research. He published numerous books, especially the Book of Spirits, which set the foundation for his findings and the building blocks of the understanding of the realms of spirit. This book is a compilation of questions and answers with spirits, addressing topics such as the nature of spirits, reincarnation, morality, and the spiritual laws governing the universe. 

Though the Spiritist philosophy discusses many important topics, I will outline a few main concepts that are important and, I believe, foundational to any spiritual seeker choosing Ayahuasca as their spiritual path.

The Existence of Spirits

The core foundation of the Spiritist philosophy is the existence of spirits who reside in the astral or spiritual realms. The spirits have varying levels of spiritual, moral, and intellectual evolution. Kardec categorizes the many different spirits that either aid, support, hinder, or even try to obstruct the evolution of other spirits. Which, of course, includes humanity, as recognizing human beings as an incarnated form of spirit. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

It is common to experience the existence of other spirits when drinking ayahuasca as a sacrament, whether through direct vision, auditory expression, intuitive feelings, and other forms of mediumship. Interaction with passed loved ones or even other dimensional entities is a common theme practitioners describe.

Spiritual Progress and Reincarnation 

According to Spiritism, spirits continuously evolve towards greater knowledge and spiritual understanding. This focus on spiritual progress includes the idea that one's actions in previous lives influence current circumstances, in other words, explaining the laws of karma and reincarnation.

When drinking the sacrament, whether authentically real or internally perceived, it is common to see and realize events that have occurred in past lives. These visions offer guidance, healing, and a sense of understanding that often help participants make sense of unexplained tendencies, emotional triggers, or patterns of behavior that have no direct relationship to their current life circumstances. Studying how to interpret these visions correctly and utilizing these insights for growth and healing is very important.

Communication with Spirits

Spiritism explains that it is possible to communicate with spirits through mediumship. This communication allows for messages, guidance, and teachings from other spirits. It also explains the challenges and effects of “obsessor spirits” and how they negatively affect us in our lives, the way we process our thoughts, and eventually make our choices.

During Ayahuasca ceremonies, it is common for participants to shake and move in what they consider at first as involuntarily. Paired with a profound and methodical study of mediumship as explained by Spiritism and other schools of study to this phenomenon, with proper guidance and practice, these involuntarily shaking and movements turn into an articulated form of mediumship that expresses direct interaction with spiritual mentors, angels, doctor spirits and many other beings of light that come to support the participant on their journey. The study of mediumship and the ability to navigate the interaction with spirit is also very important as a way to identify the presence of negative spirits and know how to deal with their influence. 

The Law of Cause and Effect

Spiritism teaches us that each action has consequences. It explains why our decisions and circumstances follow not only our free will and current choices but also actions we have taken in our prior lives. Spiritism emphasizes radical self-responsibility and the necessity for inner reflection and personal transformation.

An important part of the healing process that follows partaking with Ayahuasca as a sacrament is the experience of a continuous “life review” that occurs during the ceremony. Participants experience witnessing their own life and choices in the light of deep understanding of self and other, allowing for “Karmic Hooks” to be untied. Looking for places to offer closure, ask for forgiveness, and mend broken promises. Participants often describe the surfacing of old memories and forgotten experiences that, by virtue of being touched and recalled, allow for the reevaluation of pain and wounding and a deep emotional release.

Unity of All Beings

Spiritism teaches that all living beings are connected through the same universal spirit, the Divine I AM Presence. Our growth as individuals relies upon collective consciousness and mutual well-being.

A common theme experienced when taking Ayahuasca is the sense of oneness and innate unity with all living beings. Within the ceremony, there is a strong sense of “current” or connection between participants. Though each participant goes through their own journey of awakening, there is a sense of unity between the participants. We often share feelings and develop a profound sense of empathy towards each other. The guidance around developing an understanding of our Divine I AM Presence helps us evolve not only as individuals but as parts of a living, breathing whole.

Free Will

Spiritism focuses on the idea that human beings have free will and have the responsibility to make choices from a centered place. These choices influence their spiritual journey and affect the trajectory of their lives.

Ayahuasca teaches us that our growth and healing are entirely our own responsibility. The journey relies completely on our sovereignty and centeredness. We find over the years of drinking the sacrament that our healing is a symptom of regaining our center, letting go of victimhood, and coming to the conclusion that each and every choice we make is a reflection of our free will. We quickly realize that we are our choices and not our past. When drinking Ayahuasca, we are confronted with our choices and their impact on our lives. This direct experience of the results of our will, though not often easy to digest, is the beginning of the awakening journey.

The Purpose of the Universe

Spiritism suggests that the ultimate goal of the universe is the spiritual, moral, and intellectual improvement of all spirits, leading to a higher understanding of existence and fulfillment of a divine purpose.

The question of “what is my life’s purpose?” is one of life’s greatest mysteries. When drinking Ayahuasca, we are often directed to reevaluate our lives and the choices we make. Guided to live a life that is not so purpose-driven but more focused on meaning and presence. With the exploration of self, the understanding of the vastness of the universe, and the importance of this human life we get to be so grateful for, we often find direction, purpose, meaning, and even more so, guidance on how to align ourselves with our Divine Mission, the reason behind the choice we have made before this incarnation to choose this life, as it is, with the exact circumstances that will help us grow, expand, heal and evolve.

* * *

After almost a decade of choosing Ayahuasca as my spiritual path and guiding others on this awakening journey, I’ve found the study of Spiritism invaluable and even instrumental in helping me further understand and map the expansion of spirit that occurs within the ceremonies. The teachings of great Spiritist masters such as Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier have been an illuminating source of guidance and a northern star for those discovering the astral within the context of entheogenic work. Once beginning to comprehend the depth of wisdom and understanding of human consciousness that is found in this channeled body of works, one cannot but wonder how much more there is for us to discover with Ayahuasca as a loving guide by our side.

When we begin to understand the profound map of consciousness that Spiritism has brought to light, we find greater and greater depth in our capacity and ability to navigate the mysterious landscapes of the astral with greater ease and deeper understanding. Allowing us to expand this form of communion with the sacrament to an illuminated journey of awakening, healing, and an opportunity to offer mediumship as spiritual charity for humanity and beyond.

Recommendations for further study:

Allan Kardec

Watch: Netflix: Kardec
Read: Allan Kardec: The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums' Book

Chico Xavier

Watch: Amazon Prime: Astral City / Chico Xavier

Read: Nosso Lar (Astral City), The Messengers, In the Realms of Mediumship

Category: Ayahuasca
Padrinho Kai Karrel is a spiritual teacher, a practicing medium, and the Founder of the Celestial Heart Church. He advocates for the sacramental usage of entheogenic plant medicine in support of spiritual development and the evolution of consciousness. He is also the author of Prayerful Heart, a channeled book of invocations and prayers planned to be published later this year. Kai lives with his beloved wife, Jade, in Tulare, California.