Angel Heart

Angel Heart

Angel Heart

Walking the path of spirit, choosing to embrace our darkness and light as we transform and heal, is a lifelong journey. It is a mysterious voyage into unknown realms of consciousness. It is the story of our evolution and the slow progression into self-love. Once we start walking, there is no turning back. With every step, a wider view appears before our eyes. A deeper sense of understanding of who we are and why we are walking here in the first place.

“Life must be lived forwards, but can only be understood backwards”, tells us Alan Watts. We evolve, make mistakes, learn new lessons and sometimes regress in our journey. Sometimes we need to relearn what we’ve thought we already knew, but no matter what, we always keep moving.

Angel heart Is this another ending or a start?
Is there anyway that they could be apart
In the end, we come full circle again.

Life is a process; it has no beginning and no end. Birth might mark a certain type of start, but that beginning is also an end. The cocoon ends and the butterfly begins. Death might seem as certain type of end… but it is also the beginning of a new and wondrous mystery. Life is a cycle. Spiraling, circling around us, again and again and again. We keep learning the same lesson over and over, each time from a different perspective. Each time seeing ourselves anew. Older, perhaps wiser, but definitely different.

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” ~ Heraclitus

We never stay the same. Nothing does. The cycle of life moves on regardless of our awareness of these changes taking place. Day into night, summer into fall. Life into death and fear into love. These changes, these transformations are the key. The guiding light, showing us the right attitude in which to live our lives.

Gentle soul You know each day of trouble takes its toll
But every silver lining hides a seam of gold
In the end, we come full circle again

Our angelic hearts carry the beauty of a gentle soul. Our spirit knows kindness. Our soul communicates with generosity. When we receive our material bodies, when we inhibit these material vehicles, it takes us years to adjust from the unlimited to the finite. From being a speck of light and into gross matter with form and needs. As beautiful as it might be, life within the material world is challenging and holds the gravity of darkness, of aging and of death. To live, in a way, means to defy gravity. To object the natural course of darkness and to constantly choose light. We came here to learn. We came here to forgive. The friction, our daily troubles is what pushes us to keep growing. To keep asking for more. Every silver lining, no matter how overbearing, no matter how dark, hides a seam of gold. No matter how scared, how terrified we might feel, how hopeless or how depressed, as long as you are alive, that experience hides a seam of gold. That experience can mold you and bring you back into your angelic heart. This knowing, this understanding, that life is conspiring on our behalf, that life is divinely guiding our each and every step is the innate prayer to remind us to keep growing and keep asking for more. To choose and change our approach, our attitude, from despair and into curiosity. From fear and into gratitude.

Angel heart Never be afraid to face the dark,
If you are you'll never let the healing start.
In the end, we come full circle again

We want to be happy. We always wish to live in the light. Yet, without darkness, choosing light would never be a choice. Without opposition we’ll never experience free will. Facing darkness, our own darkness, is the first step towards healing. Towards choice. Healing is the conscious process of exercising free will. Free will in approach, in attitude and also, if possible, in action. Healing is a result of motion. Darkness manifests in stagnation, in decay. When we face our darkness, one thing is certain, we – are light. When we choose to heal, we heal. Choice is motion. From point A to point B. There is great power in choosing light. In choosing behaviors, attitudes and actions which will take us into happiness, into health, into greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Fear can be nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. And in all truth, that is what darkness is. It appears to be real, yet it is nothing more than the absence of light. Our approach, the way we look at things literally sheds light. As we look at darkness it becomes lighter. As we face our fears we illuminate our own hearts.

Gentle soul Never be afraid to face the goal
Don’t you know the light you see is your own soul,
In the end, we come full circle again

And then, there are other fears. Our fear of greatness; of shining too bright or being too much. We’re afraid of aiming towards the stars. We’re afraid of getting disappointed. Yet again, trust is our guiding star. The knowing; the trust in the light within. Trusting in ourselves each and every step of the way. It is not only that we are divinely guided but also that we are and always have been our own truest source of inspiration. Even if you failed yesterday, or the day before or even every day before that, today is a new day. Today, your time to shine has come. The light you seek is right there, inside of you. You are sitting on the target. You are the target. Your aspirations, dreams and hopes are nothing more than finding your own inner light, your -- self. This is a journey from here to here. From your mind and into your heart. From your fears and into your knowing and gentle soul. Don’t be afraid to face your goal. Don’t be afraid to keep on walking for where you’re headed is your own light, your own infinite beauty.

Special one Set your ship to sail into the sun
And when you finally get there You have just begun
In the end, we come full circle again

This journey will never end. Every lesson, every step is just another opening into another door. A mysterious curiosity unfolding within and unto itself. What matters is only your sense of direction. With each conclusion a whole new layer of this maze will be revealed. So why walk? One might ask. You walk for the walking. You ask for the asking. With the understanding of the vastness of this voyage and its infinite nature you can finally let go, relax and enjoy the ride.

Walking the path of spirit, is a lifelong journey… It is a mysterious flight into your own infinite inner sky. The acceptance of our own unknowing. Of living without the constant attempt to control the outcome of a random divinely ordained storyline. All we can do is set our ship to sail into the sun… letting the sea carry us, letting the winds blow into our hearts. There is nowhere to reach and nothing to lose. You, as you are, have already happened.

Angel heart Is this another ending or a start?
Is there anyway that they could be apart
In the end, we come full circle again.


Category: Spirituality
Padrinho Kai Karrel is a spiritual teacher, a practicing medium, and the Founder of the Celestial Heart Church. He advocates for the sacramental usage of entheogenic plant medicine in support of spiritual development and the evolution of consciousness. He is also the author of Prayerful Heart, a channeled book of invocations and prayers planned to be published later this year. Kai lives with his beloved wife, Jade, in Tulare, California.